Carried Away

Just another random post influenced by those late night to early morning thoughts .

NEVER TOO LATEπŸ˜‚πŸ˜œπŸ™ˆπŸ’ƒπŸ˜˜

Oka,got it!
No kidding,seriously.
Like really.
I am actually laughing on all the shit i have done in past and how all of it had to do nothing with who i really am as a person.
Also is that just me or does anyone else's brain sing hustle! hustle! hustle! with the tune of the song wiggle,wiggle,wiggle.(Don't judge,for it doesn't matterπŸ˜›)[ The shit i mentioned here is wasting time and energy on things that won't really matter on long run,also how i trusted even words of many people when in reality many don't even know what they are saying,like really i would possibly never get people who just speak anything just because they have to and i am like bitch better keep mum,i might be sad or vulnerable but i didn't leave my brains back home.Also, how we all make versions of other's including our parents and friends , a reality of ours,DON'T.Period.]You see world as you are? What about you seeing yourself as you are and not how the world sees you?

It's fucking crazy how we live a whole lot amount of our lives just by reacting on shit we got influenced into. I personally believe your company,thoughts,etc,etc matter a lot.

Funny how we don't really get that affected by whatever did happen but views of others on that particular situation changes our own thought process and we indulge in thinking on with their perspectives. That's the very reason i emphasis on believing your perceptions and knowing who you are and what works well for you.

I remember doing this (one of the many times in past) real funny shit and now when i look back ,i'm like man!!πŸ˜‚ I got all carried away.
So little control and patience i had back then. Though i truly am so grateful for everything now,every little blessing, so grateful.
I personally like to see and focus on the bigger picture.
Many times we accept whatever happened but then people engage and use all kind of words they ever could and speak their shit as if they know it all,lol and leave back to their places in all calm. But here is your stupid brain,that is so indecisive that takes a bit of that and start feeling sad and thinking yeah they were right. Then you spend some time alone and after that are getting your clarity back like yeah actually it might have hurt me but i don't know why i am actually happy for that person for choosing what felt true to them and freeing me for we deep down knew it all since the beginning and maybe that was the very reason it never actually synced or tuned. 

Strange how all of us do the same things but the ones who don't talk about it ,not being vulnerable,thinking they are smart are many times the weakest,they act for they know their limits.They move with the shields ,sad how many live wearing shields around their brains too,lol . The one's who are limitless and want to explore ,doesn't really care being nice or too nice ,for if that is real you be that,fuck what other's take it as and thinks or says ,to be honest it doesn't really matter.Those others that actually talk about people doesn't really have much productive stuff going on for them so let them pass their time by doing so. 

Everyone is a hero in their world filled with clouds of their self-made illusions.(yeah,this is self-made like many others,thanks,i am learning and growing as always, you do too boo,lots of love for everyone.) Also, i always had these thoughts written in my journals ,loving sharing them,never was this extroverted but i'm loving the person i am becoming even though i always loved the person i was and am; might be helping other's like many other people's writings/thoughts always helped me and continue to help me to be the best version of myself. 
Also, i now-a-days am taking notes on behavior of people who speak shit about others or think to any extreme and other ones are like how could you even go to that extent of negative thinking,do you do so? For i can't even think that because i don't see me doing that ever,how can i ask you whether you doing so when i don't really think anyone could possibly do that.Do whatever you wanna do just keep in mind that you will be the only one who would be dealing with the consequences later.I do believe in universe and karma(deeds) for i have seen it in play always,trust me like always... .

Use and trust your respective brains.Don't let other's thoughts become your own.What you say,think,listen,focus on do have major impact on what you do and make your reality as.Stay away from people who impose their thoughts on you,often times these influencers are your so called close friends and family.Act like an adult, if you are.Have your own voice and trust it.Also, be friends with genuine,true and honest people( I personally am blessed to have many such people in my lives).Let it heal,grow meanwhile,learn to love every inch of your soul.Know their is a difference in tender self -love and care ; and aggressive egoistic self-esteem.Have and protect your self-esteem just don't ever feel entitled. Self- love is knowing who you are and being unapologetically the real you while being grateful and spreading love to everyone.

Respect is a two way street.Respect and see good in everyone and everything.Once you have find who you truly are,even if it is being too nice or whatever ,own that shit. Make mistakes,learn,fall then stand up.Let other's complain,be optimistic.BELIEVE .Build healthy relationships.If it's in a rush,it's fake. Grow and help others to grow and unleash their power. As long as there will be life,there are gonna be challenges and opportunities.It's all about choices and perceptions.Everyday do little favors for others.You will really find happiness in helping people.What you give is what will be returned to you eventually. Everyone is fighting their own battles ,learn and teach to live peacefully,gratefully,happily ,with awareness and no more battles to fight but to experience the life that it is.


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