Overthinking will ruin your reality
Overthinking, what is it? The root of giving rise to the problems where there were none.
It is an art, attained by someone who doesn't know a thing about priority and is way too sceptical. Thinking is happening, it's normal, we all do it without even noticing and is one of the primal instict of homo sapiens but when it gets converted into something delusional, it screws your own reality for you.
Don't dig your own pit to fall, for if you do, you can have a lot of misunderstandings and embarrassments. It's better to live simple minimalistic life with clarity. Declutter all the thoughts not helping you to grow and be a better person. It's better to clarify sensibly for otherwise you could hurt many including you.
It is so wisely said - Too much of something is a bad thing.
So why do people do it, knowing it's wrong. Who does it? Whosoever that loves to waste their time and energy. Then why do they do it? They can't help it, being around many people like that, i can tell you it's something they do subconsciously now and like every addict, they themselves hate it. Root cause? Escaping, bad at prioritising. Such a dubious person lacks something that is must, faith(it could be in anything, a belief system is important). What that person needs to grow out of this habit for once and all? You need to find answers within. Though it helps to seek advice from wise. I recommend listening to osho, alan watts, etc. But the real work is yours, you have to find the reason behind your this behaviour, have you forgave and healed from anything that screwed you in past? For if you let it control you, you will screw your future too for sure. Trust,don't shy away from mistakes because no matter what you can't have everything in control, believe in yourself and the universe that whatever happens at the end it will all work out for your own good. Be vulnerable. Enjoy the journey that is life, it is to live not to be always thinking or being right.
Overthinking is actually an underthinking.You don't overthink things that go right. If you find yourself in repetitive, non-productive thoughts the reason is you haven't actually unpacked what's bothering you.
So why do people do it, knowing it's wrong. Who does it? Whosoever that loves to waste their time and energy. Then why do they do it? They can't help it, being around many people like that, i can tell you it's something they do subconsciously now and like every addict, they themselves hate it. Root cause? Escaping, bad at prioritising. Such a dubious person lacks something that is must, faith(it could be in anything, a belief system is important). What that person needs to grow out of this habit for once and all? You need to find answers within. Though it helps to seek advice from wise. I recommend listening to osho, alan watts, etc. But the real work is yours, you have to find the reason behind your this behaviour, have you forgave and healed from anything that screwed you in past? For if you let it control you, you will screw your future too for sure. Trust,don't shy away from mistakes because no matter what you can't have everything in control, believe in yourself and the universe that whatever happens at the end it will all work out for your own good. Be vulnerable. Enjoy the journey that is life, it is to live not to be always thinking or being right.
Overthinking is actually an underthinking.You don't overthink things that go right. If you find yourself in repetitive, non-productive thoughts the reason is you haven't actually unpacked what's bothering you.
Have a moment of self realisation in a day, watch your thoughts and feelings, are they really yours? And if yes, what could be done to not give the attention to the wrong ones? Distracting can work for a while but it is your mind you are aiming to tame here, it can only be done with understanding and accepting, by working on the root cause. Everything worthwhile takes time and work, so don't give up in between, believe. Discuss whatever is going in your mind to the person concerned if it is a valid thought, it might sound blunt to that person at that time but will save you from misunderstandings and also on lot of things. Be kind to yourself through the whole process. Love yourself to truly love others. Spread happiness. Believe in the beauty that is human.
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